Gay bars austin texas eagle

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This list tracks gay bar attendance from September 1, 2017, through the last day of 2017.ĭid they get it right? Is your favorite bar on the list? 50.

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This list of the most popular gay bars comes from data collected by Gravy Analytics, a location-based marketing platform, that tracks mobile data to verify attendance at places and events throughout the United States. Although there is some debate over which is the oldest, continuously operating gay bar in the country (both Cafe Lafitte in Exile in New Orleans and The White Horse in Oakland, Calif., claims that mantle having opened officially in 1933 when Prohibition ended-but they may have been running unofficially before that time), there is no question that The Stonewall Inn is where the modern LGBT equal rights movement began on a summer night in 1969.Īlthough gay bars have suffered some setbacks the past few years with longstanding venues shuttering nationwide due to mainstreaming, the rise of hookup apps, and an invasion of bachelorette parties, LGBT establishments still play a vital role in preserving gay culture and offering a safe space to patrons.

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